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Garage Doors
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SPC (Stone Polymer Composit) is part of the latest generation of vinyl flooring. i.Cov 4.5 plus floors are even more handy, convenient and quick to install. Thanks to their water-repellent properties, they are able to maintain the temperature even in the coldest periods of the year, ensuring maximum comfort. They last a long time without damage, even on the most heavily used surfaces in the house, such as the bathroom and kitchen.
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Thickness 5,5mm (4mm + 1,5mm materassino) High performance 0,55mm PU wear layer
Serie Stone Width 475mm Length 950mm Quantity 4 pieces 1,805m2 x box
Serie Wood Width 180mm Length 1220mm Quantity 8 pieces 1,757m2 x box
Labor Legno
i.Cov 4.5 Fast Clic Wood
Piallato Campiello Beech Tree 3 Layers Prefinished Parquet
Bianco Liberty Plus Oak 2 Layers Prefinished Parquet
Fior di Mora Oiled Oak 2 Layers Prefinished Parquet
Oil UV Doussiè 2 Layers Prefinished Parquet
Polar Maple Tree 3 Layers Prefinished Parquet
Piallato Torcello Oak 3 Layers Prefinished Parquet
Sand Ash Tree 2 Layers Prefinished Parquet
Original Parquet
Calibro 3 1/8" Fumo di Londra light Oak
Palomino Oiled Oak 3 Layers Prefinished Parquet
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